Tuesday, May 26, 2009


So Today, I was on Facebook, something that I am sure that everyone is familiar with, and my friend sent me the link to a video of Trading Spouses: The God Warrior. Now, I am a Christian, and I have absolutely no problem with sharing that with people who ask of my religious/spiritual beliefs, but this episode slightly made me upset. In this particular episode the moms switch places--one who is highly a believer in God, and the other who is a hypnotherapist and practices Astrology. Throughout this episode, the Christian women, Margaret Perrin, and her friends do some things that really make me question the teachings of the Bible.
At what point, does the love for others start to kick in? I am one who truly believes that even if you are not in total agreeance with someone and the things that they do, there is still no reason to be rude and disrespect them. At the same token, if you are not comfortable around someone or something, simply removing yourself is all the action that needs to be taken. So to see in this episode some of the things that were done, didn't necessarily portray the "love of God" that I have always been taught to have.
With all of these things said, I really encourage people to think outside of the box. Be a believer, and a firm one at that, of whatever you want to believe, but if at any point, you are tearing someone else down...maybe the person that you should be evaluating is yourself. Only tolerate what you can handle, but never forget to have tolerance for others and their choices in life!
What are your thoughts on the situation?

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